Zheng Dong

Zheng's Picture I am an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Wayne State University, where I serve as the Director of the Real-Time Systems Group and the WSU site co-Director of the NSF IUCRC eCAT Center. Additionally, I am privileged to serve as a co-Director of The CAR Lab, collaborating with a team of talented students and utilizing state-of-the-art facilities to advance research in autonomous driving systems. I hold a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Texas at Dallas, a Master’s degree in Computer Software Engineering from the University of Science and Technology of China, and a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from Wuhan University.

Contact information:

Maccabees Building, Suite 14109.3

5057 Woodward Avenue

Detroit, MI 48202

Department of Computer Science

Wayne State University

phone: +1 (313) 577-1648

E-mail: dong@wayne.edu

Recent Updates | Research | Services | Teaching | Publications | Students | Awards

Recent Updates

• 02/2025 [Grant] I am thrilled to share that my NSF CAREER proposal "CAREER: ChronosDrive: Ensuring Timing Correctness in DNN-Driven Autonomous Vehicles with Accelerator-Enhanced Real-Time SoC Integration" has been officially selected for funding! A big thank you to the NSF for their generous support!
• 10/2024 [Special Issue] ACM Transactions on Internet of Things (TIOT) Special Issue on Autonomous Driving is now open for submissions! We invite you to submit your best research. Don't miss this opportunity to contribute to cutting-edge advancements in autonomous driving technology!
• 04/2024 [Special Issue] ACM Journal on Autonomous Transportation Systems: Special Issue on Mobility is online.
• 01/2024 [News] Wayne State University continues to excel in embedded and real-time systems, maintaining its position in the top 10 nationwide in the latest CS Rankings. As of January 2024, Wayne State University holds the 5th spot in this esteemed category.
• 12/2023 [Paper] Our paper on nondeterministic offline reinforcement learning for large-scale online order dispatching has been accepted by AAAI 2024.
• 11/2023 [Paper] Our paper, "Hopscotch: A Hardware-Software Co-design for Efficient Cache Resizing on Multi-core SoCs", has been accepted by IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems.
• 09/2023 [Special Issue] The next leap in mobile computing could be Vehicle Computing, as advancements in semiconductors and automotive tech continue.
• 09/2023 [News] The kickoff meeting of NSF eCAT IUCRC was successfully completed on 09/15/2023. Go eCAT!!!
• 08/2023 [Paper] Our paper on ROS message synchronization has been accepted to RTSS 2023.
• 07/2023 [Service] Serve as a publicity co-chair at the 30th IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium, which will be held in Hong Kong, May 13-16, 2024.
• 06/2023 [Service] I will co-chair the 10th International Workshop on Mixed Criticality Systems at RTSS 2023.
• 03/2023 [Grant] NSF IUCRC for eCAT has been funded.
• 01/2023 [Service] Appointed Associate Editor of Multimedia Tools and Applications (Springer).
• 12/2022 [News] The program of WMC 2022 has been published. Welcome to join us on December 5th.
• 11/2022 [Service] Guest Editor (with Dr. Shi) of IEEE Internet Computing: Special Issue on Vehicle Computing.
• 11/2022 [Paper] Our recent work on real-time cause-effect chain scheduling in autonomous machines has been accepted by Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference (DATE2023).
• 10/2022 [Service] Serve on the TPC of DAC 2023, RTCSA 2023, and ICCCN 2023; Serve as the publication chair for ACM/IEEE Symposium on Edge Computing 2023.
• 10/2022 [Paper] Our recent work on real-time and accessible shared autonomous mobility services has been accepted by IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing.
• 09/2022 [Service] Serve on the judging panel of ACM SIGBED Student Research Competition (SRC) 2022.
• 09/2022 [Paper] Our paper, "Towards Hard Real-Time and Energy-Efficient Virtualization for Many-core Embedded Systems", has been accepted to IEEE Transactions on Computers.
• 08/2022 [Talk] Delivered a talk on real-time VoI detection at the 28th ACM SIGKDD conference on knowledge discovery and data mining (SIGKDD 2022).
• 08/2022 [Paper] Our papers are accepted to RTSS 2022. The 9th International Workshop on Mixed Criticality (WMC) Systems will be held in Houston on Dec. 5th, in conjunction with RTSS 2022. WMC 2022 website is live!
• 08/2022 [Service] Serve as a TPC member for RTAS 2023.


My research focuses on the Integrated Hardware-Software Co-Design for Safety-Critical Cyber-Physical Systems, emphasizing the assurance of timing predictability in autonomous driving technologies. My expertise in real-time & embedded systems also drives my interest in developing computer systems that incorporate timing-critical components. This extends to projects like real-time EV fleet charging recommendation systems and the implementation of edge-enabled smart infrastructures in smart cities. Publications of my research can be found here.



